The General Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures that are continually developed , are a coordinated set of parameters to enable BIU to develop, in a principled and consistent way, the educational provisions and learning experience it offers to students in its educational programs. A separate set of Academic Regulations apply individually to graduate Programs and Undergraduate Programs. These general regulations constitute an enabling framework that is intended to encourage innovative and effective curriculum design, delivery and assessment, in alignment with external expectations and the distinctive character and values of BIU.
Furthermore, the General Regulations and policies set out the parameters of what is permitted and, where appropriate, make provisions for faculty members and students to make decisions themselves on how the aims of the regulations are achieved. In some respects, the intent of such General Regulations is to ensure that rigorous academic standards are maintained, quality is enhanced, and BIU’s provision for its teaching programs is able to evolve in a proactive way that meets the University’s mission and the changing needs of its students and industry and community stakeholders.
The principles and policies set out in the General Regulations are the result of internal and external practice and are aligned with the BIU Vision and Mission, as set out in BIU’s Strategy. Central to the Academic Standards and Quality Strategy and the General Regulations are the interests of the students and their success. In order to succeed, students need access to high quality learning and teaching activities that are up-to-date, informed by current thinking in the discipline through the scholarship of faculty members and instructors, and meet the requirements of society, market demands and those of regulatory bodies. Students must be able to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, competencies and skill through assessments that are challenging, rigorous, fair, transparent and appropriately aligned to the learning undertaken and the intended outcomes of that learning. Students should be enabled to measure their learning needs and achievements, develop independence in learning and judgment, and make informed choices in planning their studies and future careers. Provision of effective support for learning is also essential to ensure that their learning needs are addressed and that they all have an equal opportunity to succeed. The implementation of General Regulations involves ongoing evaluation and adjustment, which together provide the enhancement necessary for student success.
When it comes to the provision of instruction and teaching, Students are held responsible for all material presented in the classroom even during their absence. Make-up work and exams, if any, will be according to the rules spelled out in the course syllabus. In any regular semester or summer term, students may miss no more than the equivalent of five weeks (15 class hours) of instructions in any registered course and still receive credit for that course. However, instructors have the right to impose specific attendance regulations in their courses provided that the above stated limit of absences is not exceeded for any reason and the minimum number of absences allowed is no fewer than the equivalent of two weeks (6 class hours) of classroom instruction. Such specific attendance regulation should be clearly stated in the syllabus. Students who exceed the maximum allowed absences stated on the syllabus in any registered course before the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade of “AW” in that course. Instructors are required to inform their Departments/Divisions and the Student Affairs Office of any prolonged unexplained absences. The number of absences in summer modules is prorated. Any Student intentionally absenting himself/herself after the withdrawal deadline to exceed the allowed absence limit will receive a grade “F” in the course at the end of the semester.
In case the instructor is late, students are expected to wait fifteen minutes, before leaving the classroom and inform Student Affairs Office if chairperson or Dean is not available.