BIU promotes a number of elements concerning campus life and its students. The extracurricular activities of its students are enhanced by any student applying for clubs or athletics or suggesting any kind of club or sport that can be accomplished to meet the student's and university’s needs. Some activities or events are organized by the university and advertised for the students. The campus life at BIU is truly a safe and friendly community. Each block or building at the university has a security guard to ensure the protection of the students, faculty, and staff. BIU’s safe and beautiful campus provides an attractive environment for learning. You will find yourself immersed in more than just your classes. By joining clubs and student organizations, attending plays and concerts, doing community service, and just hanging out with friends, your BIU experience will expand to every aspect of your university experience. You can also request a campus tour to get to know your university better and get extensive help to learn more about academic matters, procedures and such like concerns.